The YMCA uses Playerspace to communicate with parents, post all leagues, and schedules. Parents can find coaches names and contact information on this site.
Refund Policy: The YMCA understands that life happens and we are here to work with you in those situations, as much as we are able.
Game Cancellations or Delays: The YMCA will make decisions about delays and cancellations by 3 p.m. the day of practice or game in question, if during the week.
Saturday game decisions will be made by 7 AM, if not the night before.
Parents will be notified through Playerspace about delays/cancellations, and make-up dates.
If the delay or cancellation effects the entire league, the YMCA will post on social media.
Our coaches are parent and community volunteers. This means they are not paid. It is one of the many ways we keep our prices low and maintain a clear focus on character development. We are always in need of coaches. Your coach is just like you, a parent or caring member of the community who wants to help kids thrive. We ask that our coaches serve not just a coach, but as a leader and mentor for their team. We entrust them to help pass on valuable life lessons and build good

If your team has no coach, your child’s season will not be cancelled and the team will not be disbanded. By the time the season begins, please know that we have made every effort to find a parent on your team to serve as head coach, but that no one has made the formal commitment yet. In this rare occurrence, a YMCA employee will attend the first practice to create a committee of parents who take turns coaching the team each week. This includes at least one practice and one game per parent or some other variation that works for your teams’ parents unique circumstances. Our hope is always that a single parent will take on the role of head coach and that another will serve as their assistant to fill in when they are unable to.
It is our expectation that you will stay on campus during both practice and games. No one is able to take on the individual responsibility of your child. So for the safety and well-being of your child, please stay nearby. You are permitted to have another adult chaperone your son or daughter. This can be a sibling or other relative as well as caregivers over the age of 18.
Parents and guests are not allowed to use the YMCA facilities, unless you are a Y member. Spectators are not allowed to stand on the track to watch games and children must remain with their parents in the gym during practices and games.
This organization is committed to providing all participants, members, staff, and volunteers with a safe environment and has ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ABUSE, mistreatment, sexual activity, or bullying.
Any form of abuse or mistreatment of participants, members, employees, and volunteers is prohibited by anyone associated with the YMCA (participants, members, staff, or volunteers.) Use of abusive language, obscene or profane language, including racial, religious, or sexual references directed at other people will not be tolerated. It is important to treat others with respect.
Because our organization is dedicated to maintaining zero tolerance for abuse, it is imperative that everyone, including participants and members, actively participates in the protection of others. In the event that participants and members observe any suspicious or inappropriate behaviors and/or policy violations on the part of other employees, volunteers, members or other participants, it is their personal responsibility to immediately report their observations. Remember, at our organization, the policies apply to everyone.
The YMCA is a mandated reporter of any type of child abuse.